Weekend Learning Publishers
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Level 5 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Level 5 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
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The Level 5 book is intended for children ages 9–12 who have completed the Level 4 book from Weekend Learning or who have a similar knowledge base of Islam. All lessons are presented thematically in distinct units. The first few chapters in the Level 5 book focus on the Creator and His message. Chapter 2 explains why we should worship Allāh. Chapter 4 discusses uniform activities of the messengers, and dispels many of the misconceptions about them. Unit 2 provides details about the important battles and their impact on the history of early Islam. Unit 3 offers history of some of the messengers, particularly focusing on the morals to be learned from the messengers’ lives. Some age-appropriate ethical issues are also discussed. Unit 5 teaches students to take a close look at some Islamic values and teachings, and encourages them to adopt these values.
able of Contents: Islamic Studies Level 5
Chapter | Topic | Description |
1 | Tawhīd, Kāfir, Kufr, Shirk, Nifāq | In this lesson students will learn a few common Islamic terms and their significance. One of the fundamental teachings of Islam is belief in tawhīd. A person can respond to tawhīd with acceptance, denial, or partial denial. Each of the response gives rise to other problems that are identified by some other Islamic terms. An understanding of these terms will enable students comprehend the principle of believing in One God. |
2 | Why Should We Worship Allāh? | Why do people worship objects, and why do they worship idols? These simple questions do not have simple answers. But we can try to understand why we should worship only Allāh. This lesson explains the reasons in simple terms by using a story about a robot. |
3 | Revelation of the Qur'ān | The revelation of the Qur’ān was a long process involving several steps and requiring several years. It was revealed under different circumstances, and in different locations, in order to solve different problems. This lesson introduces students to the process of the revelation of the Qur’ān. |
4 | Characteristics of the Messengers | The messengers of Islam came during different periods, to different communities, and to solve different problems. Yet all of them showed a similar nature, behavior, and activities. This lesson discusses some of the qualities in common of all messengers and explains why these qualities made them righteous servants of Allāh. |
5 | Pledges of ‘Aqabah: Invitation to Migrate | Rasūlullāh’s migration to Madīnah was made possible by two pledges that came to be known as the Pledges of ‘Aqabah. Who were the people involved and why did they make the pledges? Students will learn about these events and their significance in shaping the history of Islam. |
6 | The Battle of Badr: Allāh Supports the Righteous | The Battle of Badr was an important event that changed Muslim history. If Muslims had lost this battle, their progress, or even their survival, would have been very difficult. This lesson briefly describes the incidents that led to this battle, and explains how Muslims were successful against a much larger and well-equipped army. |
7 | The Battle of Uhud: Obey Allāh and Obey the Rasūl | This battle was the second major battle fought by Muslims. They did not win the battle. This lesson discusses the main reasons for not winning the battle. What message did early Muslims learn from this battle? Can we apply the message to our lives today? |
8 | The Battle of the Trench: A Bloodless Battle | The Battle of the Trench was another significant battle in the history of Islam. This battle was never fought face to face, but it had a lasting impact on the Muslims and the polytheist tribes from all over Arabia. The treachery of the Jewish tribe Banu Qurayzah nearly destroyed the Muslims. Thanks to Allāh, the crisis was averted. This lesson provides a brief overview of the battle and its outcome. |
9 | The Treaty of Hudaibiyah: A Clear Victory | The Treaty of Hudaibiyah was largely viewed as a defeat for the Muslims, but soon the treaty turned out to be a major victory for them. The treaty helped shape the future of Islam. This lesson provides a brief account of the treaty and discusses its lasting impact on the history of Islam. |
10 | Liberation of Makkah: A Bloodless Victory | Within two years of signing the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, the Muslims liberated Makkah in a dramatic event. The lesson provides an overview of the events that led to the bloodless liberation of Makkah from the clutches of idol-worshipping. Instead of punishing the polytheists, Rasūlullāhr forgave them, thus making it possible for all of Arabia to accept Islam. |
11 | Ādam (A): The Creation of Human Beings | Before and after the creation of human beings, the angels and Iblīs talked with Allāh about human beings and their status. The angels obeyed Allāh, but Iblīs refused to obey Allāh. This resulted in an eternal clash between human beings and Shaitān. This lesson provides an overview of the creation of Ādam (A) and his interactions with Iblīs. |
12 | Ibrāhīm (A): His Debate with the Polytheists | Nabi Ibrāhīm (A) was known to debate with people to make them realize there is one God and to encourage them to worship God. His debates not only helped many people understand the oneness of Allāh, but also created enemies for him. This lesson discusses some of Ibrāhīm’s (A) debates. |
13 | Ibrāhīm (A): His Plan Against the Idols | Ibrāhīm (A) once broke several idols in a temple to help people understand that idol-worshipping is useless. Some people understood the message, but many others became angry with him. This entire incident was very dramatic. This lesson provides a summary of the this event. |
14 | Luqmān (A): A Wise Man's Lifelong Advice | The advice Luqmān (A) gave to his son contains great lessons for us. The Qur’ān has given much importance to Luqmān’s (A) teachings. In fact, a sūrah is named after him. This lesson provides a summary of Luqmān’s (A) teachings along with a brief account of the life of this important man. |
15 | Yūsuf (A): His Childhood and Life in Aziz's Home | In this lesson, we will learn the key events during Yūsuf’s (A) childhood. We will also learn about a dream that he had as a child. There is a great lesson to learn from the incidents in Yūsuf’s (A) life. |
16 | Yūsuf (A): Standing Up for Righteousness | Yūsuf (A) was thrown into prison even though he was not guilty. He remained in prison until the truth was established. This lesson provides a summary of events of his time in and after prison. This lesson also demonstrates how patience ultimately pays off in the long run. |
17 | Yūsuf (A): Childhood Dream Comes True | Yūsuf’s (A) half-brothers wanted to kill him, but he was saved due to Allāh’s grace. Eventually he was reunited with his father. His childhood dream about stars, the sun, and the moon prostrating was fulfilled. The lesson provides a summary of these events. |
18 | Ayyūb (A): Example of Patience and Perseverance | Sometimes Allāh gives people everything and then takes it away to test them. People who persevere and have faith in Allāh ultimately become successful. The story of Ayyūb (A) shows how he lost everything, but never lost trust in Allāh. He persevered and ultimately received many blessings. There is a great moral to learn from this lesson. |
19 | Zakariyyāh (A) and Yahyā (A) | Zakariyyāh (A) and Yahyā (A) were the last father-and-son messengers in Islam. The Qur’ān mentions them briefly. They lived around the same time as ‘Isā (A). The purpose of the lesson is to introduce their story as narrated in the Qur’ān. |
20 | Major Masājid in the World | Throughout the world, Muslims have built a large number of masājid to perform salāt. Some of these masājid became landmarks in Islamic history. The architectural designs and majesty of the buildings are simply fascinating. This lesson introduces students to some of the most noteworthy masājid in the world. |
21 | Upholding Truth: A Duty of All Believers | Muslims are always required to uphold the truth. Allāh says that when truth is revealed, falsehood vanishes. Islam always propagates truth. Allāh loves the truthful people. This lesson discusses why upholding truth is important and how we can do small things to establish and encourage truth. |
22 | Responsibility and Punctuality | Responsibility and punctuality are often forgotten values in our lives. According to the principles of the Qur’ān and Sunnah, Allāh and Rasūlullāh always encouraged punctuality. Punctuality derives from a sense of responsibility. This lesson shows students how and why they should be punctual and always encourage each other to maintain punctuality. |
23 | My Mind, My Body: Body Is a Mirror of the Mind | The mind and body are closely related. If the mind of a person is polluted, he or she will most likely pollute his or her body. Islam requires our minds to be clean just as our bodies should be clean. This lesson discusses various ways we can keep our minds and bodies clean. |
24 | Kindness and Forgiveness | Kindness and forgiveness are closely related. One cannot be kind without being forgiving. Islam requires us to be kind and forgiving in many ways. Forgiving someone does not mean undue encouragement of doing wrong. This lesson discusses various ways we can be kind and forgiving to others. |
25 | The Middle Path: Ways to Avoid Two Extremes | Islam always encourages us to adopt the middle path. What is the middle path and how can we adopt the middle path? Why is the middle path the blessed path of Allāh and favorite to the Messengerr? This lesson discusses the importance of following the middle path in every matter in our lives. |
26 | Salāt: Its Significance | Performance of salāt is one of the most important duties of all Muslims. From a young age, children are required to perform salāt. It is not just a ritual to follow. Salāt purifies us and removes our sins. This lesson discusses the major significance of salāt. |
27 | Sawm: Its Significance | Sawm is not simply about being hungry all day and eating a full meal after breaking the fast in the evening. Sawm has more value in helping us become better Muslims. Its rewards are immense. This lesson discusses the significance of sawm. |
28 | Zakāt and Sadaqh: Similarities and Differences | One of the requirements of Islam is to pay zakāt. It is not a burden on the wealthy to part with a small portion of their surplus wealth. It is a useful system to share our wealth with the less fortunate. Zakāt also has spiritual benefit as it purifies our wealth. This lesson explains who can receive zakāt, how much to give, and when to give. |