Weekend Learning Publishers
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Level 4 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Level 4 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
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This is the revised and enlarged edition of Islamic Studies Level 4 book. The Level 4 book is intended for children ages 8–11 who have completed the Level 3 book from Weekend Learning or who have a similar knowledge base of Islam. This is their third or fourth year in a formal Islamic class. All lessons in this book are thematically presented in distinct units. Topics in the Level 4 book are diverse and are presented with greater detail. Learning about Allāh remains an important focus of the entire series, as well as the life of Nabi Muhammad. The unit on how Islam changed Arabia takes a closer look at the life of Nabi Muhammad before and after receiving divine revelations. With the ritual duties becoming obligatory to students in this age group, several topics on the Fiqh of salāt are introduced. The lives of the four Khalīfas are covered in greater detail in order to explain their contributions to Islam. Several moral-building lessons are also included.
Table of Contents: Islamic Studies Level 4
Chapter | Topic | Description |
1 | Rewards of Allah: Everybody Recieves Them | This lesson introduces young readers to the rewards of Allāh. The type of rewards mentioned in the lesson can only come from Allāh. Who will get the rewards? Who will not get the rewards? Is everybody a winner? As Muslims, we should try to understand how Allāh rewards us and what we should do to receive these rewards. His rewards are provided in this life and in the Hereafter. This lesson discusses what the rewards are, who can receive them, and what we can do to receive them. |
2 | Discipline of Allah: Because He Loves Us | Allāh often disciplines us to make us better individuals. Discipline is not the same as punishment. It can be a form of trial or hardship. But the purpose of discipline is to make us realize our mistakes, overcome them, and work to improve ourselves. Allāh is Merciful and Kind. He disciplines us because He loves us and He wants the best for us. |
3 | Names of Allah | The most beautiful names belong to Allāh. These names tell us about Allāh’s unique qualities. The more we learn about these qualities, the better we can understand Allāh. In this lesson, students will learn the names of Allāh and understand the significance of these names. |
4 | Books of Allah | Allāh sent several divine books to people in the past. In this lesson, we will learn about these divine books. Who reads these books? What is our understanding of these books? This lesson discusses the books of Allāh and provides a short overview of these book |
5 | Pre-Islamic Arabia: Age of Ignorance | Before Islam came to Arabia, people lived in ignorance. They had many false beliefs and senseless practices. Students will learn about the practices and beliefs of people before Islam came to Arabia. This knowledge will help students understand why and how Islam changed this period of ignorance. |
6 | The Year of the Elephant | The year 570 C.E. is called the Year of the Elephant. Students will learn why the year was so-named and what happened that year. Students will also learn about another important event that took place that year. |
7 | Early Life of Muhammad (S) | Students will learn about the early life of Muhammad (S) from the time of his birth until he was a youth. This lesson provides an overview of the twists and turns in Rasulūllāh’s life. Much of what happened later in his life was shaped by his experiences during childhood. |
8 | Life Before Becoming a Nabi | Before Muhammad (S) became a nabi, or messenger of Allāh, he demonstrated many positive qualities in his conduct and dealings. This lesson describes some of the key events that influenced the future of Rasūlullāh (S). |
9 | First Revelation | The history of how Muhammad (S) received the first divine revelation is fascinating. Students will learn about the events in Cave Hira and the first verses of the revelation. Students will also learn how a terrified Muhammad (S) reacted and how his wife, Khadījah (ra), helped him. |
10 | Makkah Period: The Early Years of the Muslims | This lesson provides a short summary of the entire Makkan period of Islam, starting from the time Muhammad (S) received the first revelation until he migrated to Madīnah. |
11 | Hijrat to Madīnah: The Migration that Shaped History | Rasūlullāh’s (S) hijrat to Madīnah was very eventful. Students will learn what happened during the actual hijrat, when it took place, and who participated. This lesson provides an overview of the hijrat. |
12 | Madīnah Period: Islam Prospers | This lesson provides a short summary of the Madīnan period. Many battles were fought during this period, and a large number of people accepted Islam. During these six short years, Islam evolved into a major religion, able to attract and influence the entire region. |
13 | Abū Bakr (R): The First Khalīfah | After Rasūlullāh (S) passed away, Abū Bakr (R) became the first Khalīfah. In this lesson, students will learn about Abū Bakr (R) as a friend, guide, and constant companion of Rasūlullāh (S). |
14 | ‘Umar al-Khattāb (R): The Second Khalīfah | In this lesson, students will learn about ‘Umar al Khattab (R), the second Khalīfah. Students will learn about how ‘Umar accepted Islam. In addition this lesson provides a short summary of his entire life and major achievements. |
15 | ‘Uthmān Ibn ‘Affān (R): The Third Khalīfah | ‘Uthmān was the third Khalīfah of the Islamic state. As a Khalīfah, his contribution to the promotion of Islam was very important. Several key events happened during his rule. This lesson provides a short summary of the life and achievements of this Khalīfah. |
16 | ‘Ali Ibn Abu Tālib (R): The Fourth Khalīfah | ‘Ali was the last of the four rightly guided Khalīfah in Islam. During his rule, there were many conflicts. Some Muslim groups opposed other Muslim groups. This lesson provides a short overview of the life and achievements of this Khalīfah. |
17 | Hūd (A): Struggle to Guide Mankind | Messenger Hūd (A) was an important messenger of Allāh. This lesson provides a short account of the messenger, his community, and his teachings. Students will learn why and how Allāh punished this community. What lessons can we learn from the life of Hūd (A)? |
18 | Sālih (A): Struggle to Guide the Misguided | This lesson provides a short account of messenger Sālih (A) and his people. Students will learn how his people rejected their messenger and how Allāh punished them. Students will also learn the important moral lesson from this historical account. |
19 | Mūsā (A): His Life and Achievements | This lesson provides a summary of the life and achievements of prophet Mūsā (A). Students will learn about his early life, his life in Egypt and Madyan, and his life in Egypt again. Students will also learn about the interaction between Mūsā (A) and the Children of Israel. |
20 | Sulaimān (A): A King and a Servant of Allāh | This lesson provides a brief account of messenger Sulaimān (A). The Qur’ān talks about his wealth, power, and righteousness. Students will learn about his achievements and interaction with the queen of Sheba. |
21 | Preparation for Salāt | Salāh is a form of worshipping our Creator. Before we worship Him, we need to prepare ourselves in certain ways. These preparations are simple, but important. The main objective of the preparation is to cleanse ourselves. This lesson discusses several ways to cleanse ourselves. The lesson also teaches the formal way to call for prayer, known as Adhān. |
22 | Compulsory Acts in Salāh | ln order for salāt to be accepted by Allāh, one must perform salāt in a prescribed and standard format. Some of the salāt actions are compulsory, and some are necessary, and some are sunnah. This lesson discusses these actions for students to understand and follow. For a more detailed study of the subject, one must consult an Imām or refer to authentic books of Fiqh. |
23 | Mubtilāt-us-Salāh: Things that Invalidate Salāh | Salāt is an important form of worship. This worship may become invalid if we do certain things purposely or unknowingly. This lesson teaches students the actions that will render a salāh invalid. A good understanding of these acts will help prevent students from committing them at the time of salāh and help safeguard their salāh. |
24 | How to pray Behind an Imām | There are several rules to follow when one prays behind an Imām. Where would one person or several persons stand behind the Imām? Where would one woman or several women stand behind the Imām? Where would women stand in a group salāt? How does one join a congregational salāt that has already started? This lesson provides a short guide on the accepted rulings. |
25 | Compilers of Hadīth | This lesson provides a short overview of the main compilers of Hadīth. These compilers devoted their entire lives to carefully and methodically collecting the sayings of Rasūlullāh (S). |
26 | Shaitān’s Mode of Operation | Allāh created Shaitān to test us. Allāh wants us to stay away from Shaitān because he is our open enemy. Students will learn about the way Shaitān operates. They will also learn how to identify Shaitān’s temptations and how to avoid his traps. |
27 | Day of Judgment: The Day of Ultimate Justice | The Day of Judgment is a reality from which none of us can escape. When will it happen and what happens on that day? This lesson provides a short summary about the Day of Judgment. |
28 | ‘Eid: Significance of the Festivities | Muslims have two major festivals, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. This lesson discusses the importance of the two ‘Eids and when, in a calendar year, we celebrate Eid. |
29 | Truthfulness: An Important Quality for Muslims | In our everyday lives, we should uphold the truth at all costs. Rasūlullāh (S) always encouraged people to tell and stand up for the truth. This lesson discusses why truthfulness is an important quality we should aim to uphold. |
30 | Perseverance: Keep on Trying | Using the examples of Dāwūd (A) and Muhammad (S), students will learn how to achieve success. One of the ways to achieve success is through perseverance. Students will memorize a du‘ā made by Dāwūd (A) when he faced his ferocious enemy, Jālūt. |