Weekend Learning Publishers
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Level 3 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Level 3 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
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Table of Contents: Islamic Studies Level 3
Chapter | Topic | Description |
1 | Who Is Allāh? | A common question in the minds of many people is, “Who is Allāh?” We cannot see Him, therefore, how do we learn about Him? We learn about Him by learning some of His qualities. Allāh has given us a lot of information about Himself—His actions, His signs, His likes, and His dislikes. We also learn about Him by understanding our relationship with Him. When we learn all this information, we learn about Him. |
2 | What Allāh Is and Is Not | If everyone in the world fully understood what Allāh is and is not, then everyone would probably become Muslim. A large number of people in the world do not know much about Allāh, therefore, they make images of God and worship these images. We do not need to imagine anything about Allāh. We simply want to learn about Him from the information He provided in the Qur’ān. This lesson provides the important information we should know. |
3 | Allāh: The Most Merciful, Most Rewarding | One of Allāh’s most significant qualities is His mercy. Allāh’s mercy covers everything. Allāh is also the most Rewarding. Does everybody receive rewards, or are there ceratin criteria to receive them? Students will learn why Allāh is so merciful and how His mercy and rewards benefit all of us. |
4 | Allāh: The Best Judge | One of the most important qualities of Allāh is His Judgment. Allāh is the best Judge and is Fair to everyone. His justice is always accurate. Allāh wants all of us to be fair when we deal with others. Students will learn about Allāh’s judgment and why we should depend upon His judgment. |
5 | What Does Allāh Want Us To Do? | Allāh commands us to perform all obligatory duties. In addition to these obligatory duties, Allāh advises us on many other actions that we should do and those that we should not do. Taking the right action makes us better people. The right actions are not complicated to perform. In this lesson, students will learn some of these recommended actions. |
6 | We Are Muslims: We Have ‘Imān | If we want to know someone, we need to know what he or she does and what he or she believes. What do Muslims believe? What do we do? The objective of this lesson is to explain our beliefs. These beliefs are the pillars of our faith. Students will learn about these pillars that make us Muslims. |
7 | Belief in the Qur’ān | As Muslims, we believe in all the revealed books. The Qur’ān is the final revealed book. Muslims believe in the teachings of the Qur’ān and take them seriously in our lives. Students will learn many features of the last book. Understanding these features allows us to realize the majesty of the book and, in turn, makes us better Muslims. |
8 | Belief in the Messengers | Belief in the messengers of Allāh is an important article of faith. All messengers have equal status. Muslims are instructed not to make any distinctions among the messengers. This lesson analyzes the article of faith about the messengers and explains the significance of upholding this belief. |
9 | Hadīth and Sunnah | Two common terms in Islam are hadīth and sunnah. Students will learn about the similarities and differences between hadīth and sunnah. They will also learn about how hadīth were collected and about the famous collectors. Students will also learn what the Qur’ān says about following our Rasūl (s), whose saying are included in hadīth. |
10 | Jinn | Jinn are one of Allāh’s creatures. We cannot see them because they are invisible beings. Human beings and jinn have many similarities. Allāh created jinn for a reason. This reason is explained in the lesson. This lesson also summarizes some of the basic features of jinn. |
11 | Muslims in North America | In this lesson, students will learn about Muslims in North America beginning from early settlement. Students will gain basic understanding of where Muslims came from and when they arrived. This history reveals the challenges they faced and how they overcame these challenges. |
12 | The Straight Path: The Right Path | The Qur’ān describes a Straight Path for living our lives. This Straight Path is the Right Path that Muslims should follow. Allāh loves the Right Path. He says we should always follow this Right Path. This lesson discusses the Right Path, how to tell which path is the right one, and how to follow the Right Path. |
13 | Kindness of Rasūlullāh (s) | Allāh directs us to adopt the behavior of our Nabi Muhammad (s) as an example. The kindness of Rasūlullāh (s) is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of his conduct. Muslims and non-Muslims respected our Nabi (s) because of his kindness. Even his strongest enemies were impressed by his kindness. The lesson describes some of the ways Rasūlullāh (s) displayed kindness to others. |
14 | How Rasūlullāh (s) Treated Others | In this lesson, students will learn about how Nabi Muhammad (s) treated people. Whether they were acquaintances, companions, strangers, or his enemies, everyone was touched by his compassionate, just, and honorable treatment of others. Using a story format, this chapter offers a view of the daily life of Nabi Muhammad (s). |
15 | Our Relationship With Rasūlullāh (s) | It is important to understand our relationship with Nabi Muhammad (s) so that we do not reject him or make him equal to God. In the past, people either rejected their nabis or made them equal to God. Our relationship with Rasūlullāh (s) is not like the one that exists between a master and his slave. Our relationship with Rasūlullāh (s) is like a student-teacher relationship. This lesson takes a deeper look at this relationship. |
16 | Ismā‘īl (A) and Ishāq (A): Nabi of Allāh | In this lesson, students will learn about Ibrāhīm’s (A) two illustrious sons— Isma‘il (A) and Ishaq (A). Both became nabi when they were adults. Students will learn about these two nabi—including their birth and their contribution to future generations. |
17 | Shu‘aib (A): Nabi of Allāh | In this chapter, students will learn about a nabi named Shu‘aib (A) who lived in the northern Arabia. He worked in a trading community that conducted business with travelers. Shu‘aib (A) taught people to be fair and honest in their business transactions and not to short-change customers. The lesson provides an overview of his life and teachings, which are still valid today. |
18 | Dāwūd (A): Nabi of Allāh | The life and mission of nabi Dāwūd (A) is fascinating. He lived during a time when the Children of Israel had leadership problems and external theats from enemies. Students will learn how these problems were solved, and how Dāwūd became a king. They will also read a short summary of the major achievements of this nabi. |
19 | ‘Isā (A): Nabi of Allāh | The final nabi from the lineage of Ishāq (A) was ‘Isā (A). ‘Isā (A) was a nabi for the Children of Israel, but they rejected him. ‘Isā (A) confirmed the teachings of the Tawrāt and also delivered the Injil. This lesson provides a short summary of the life and mission of nabi ‘Isā (A). |
20 | The Ka‘bah | This lesson provides a short account of the Ka‘bah—from the time its construction until the present time. The chapter describes some of the details about its structure, feature and role in Muslim life. The Ka‘bah unites all Muslims as they pray in the direction of the Ka‘bah. Students will learn that Muslims do not worship the Ka‘bah, they direct their prayer to Allāh. |
21 | Masjid an-Nabawī: The Nabi’s Masjid | The Masjid an-Nabawī, also known as the Prophet’s Mosque, was originally built by Nabi Muhammad (s). It was the residence of Nabi Muhammad (s), a masjid for early Muslims, and later the grave of Nabi Muhammad (s). The history of its early construction is as fascinating, as the history of its future renovations and modifications. Students will learn the basic details about the masjid and its identifying features. |
22 | Bilāl ibn Rabāh | In this lesson, students will learn about Bilāl ibn Rabāh—a black slave and one of the first to accept Islam. He was not forced to accept Islam, but from the little he heard about it, he believed it was a true religion. His uncompromising dedication to Islam is impressive. His life and sacrifices highlight the overall situation in Arabia and the challenges faced by early Muslims. |
23 | Zayd ibn Hārithah | One of the distinguished companions of Rasūlullāh (s) was Zayd Ibn Hārithah. For many years he was known as Rasūlullāh’s (s) adopted son. This chapter narrates the early life of Zayd, focusing on how he was sold at a slave market, and how he became part of Rasūlullāh’s (s) household. The lesson also describes Rasūlullāh’s (s) kindness and compassion toward Zayd. |
24 | How to Be a Good Person | One of the basic human instincts is to be a good person. All the major religions place importance on being a good person. Islam is no exception. It does not take a lot of effort to be a good person. But it is an ongoing effort to remain one. Students will learn some of the ways they can be good to themselves and to others. |
25 | Kindness: A Virtue of the Believers | The teachings of the Qur’ān and the sunnah of Rasūlullāh (s) encourage us to be kind to others. Kindness is positive behavior that everyone can feel and everyone needs. It is an universal language that everyone understands. This chapter explains why being kind to others is a good virtue. |
26 | Forgiveness: A Quality of the Believers | Allāh is the most-Forgiving. He will forgive our sins and remove them if we pray to Him. Allāh wants us to have the quality of forgiveness. In this lesson, students will learn the importance of practicing forgiveness. |
27 | Good Deeds: A Duty of the Believers | Islam requires us to believe in our faith and prove that we truly believe. Good deeds allow us to prove that we are true believers. Performing good deeds makes us good Muslims. This chapter discusses some good deeds and explains why we should always perform good deeds. |
28 | Perseverance: Never Give Up | Islam requires us to show patience and perseverance. Like many other good qualities, perseverance is a quality that can be developed over time with a little practice. Students will learn the importance of perseverance as one of the main qualities of true believers. |
29 | Punctuality: Doing Things on Time | Timeliness is an important value of Islam. Too often we ignore the responsibility of being timely in our obligations. In this lesson, students will learn why Allāh encourages us to be punctual in life. |