Abu Hanifa (RA) - The Greatest Imam
وAbu Hanifaئ Numan ibn Thabit was born in the city of Kufa (modern day Iraq) in the year 80 A.H. The Imamئs family was or Persian origin as well as descending from the noble Prophets (s.a.w) companion Salman al Farsi (r.a.) Bukhari transmits a hadith stating that the Messenger (s.a.w.) as saying ôif the Religion was at the Pleiades, even a person from Persia descent would surely have found it.ِ Imam as-Suyuti a Shafi alim remarked ôIt has been communicated unanimously that this hadith refers to Imam Abu Hanifa.ِ Ibn Hajjar says, ôAbu Hanifa the Imam is one of those who has reached the sky. He is the first of the four Mujtahid Imams and the only Tabei amount them having seen some Sahabas. As-Shafei said, ôPeople are all the children of Abu Hanifa on fiqh.ِ Sufyan al-Thawri praised Abu Hanifa, ôWe are in front of Abu Hanifa like small birds in front of a falcon. Read on this book to know about this great Tabiئ, Faqih-theologian, Mujaddid, Muhaddis who influenced the whole world from east to west with the true teachings of the holy prophet (s.a.w.) While this book answers questions on Abu Hanifa and the hanifa Mazhab, it also removes doubts and explores unfounded criticisms by the enemies of Imam Abu Hanifa (r.a.)